Saturday, 12 May 2012


Once the box cabinet had dried we were then able to continue with the build. For us the excitement of our creation was being to build. It was extremely important that we made sure each section that had been glued with in the box was completely dry before adding to the structure. 

Once the outer box was ready being the length side section which will be the top of the speaker when in use, the back of the speaker and the two side sections. From the top side of the speaker we could then construct the horn section, baffle and structure to the box. To slot in these parts of the speaker sections we then had to rout out the places with which the sections yet to be placed were to go. Both on the top section of the speaker and the bottom slightly like a jigsaw. This has to be carefully planned and placed which takes a lot of precision if the areas are not lined up correctly then this makes the whole sections useless. The inner sections of the speaker are then put in place and glued once dry and correct the top section of the speaker can then be put in place. We had to make sure all areas of the flare are smooth and there are no gaps in the fold. Using glue and filler this ensures no gaps.

Once this process has been carried the top section of the speaker can then be put on top. This is a job of lining up correctly and knocking the top section on the speaker once this has been lined up. 

On our design the very front section of the bass bin in the access section to the driver this is where we can then fix the connectors in securely and then load the driver in. This section is held in place using black M8 allan key bolts and winged T-nuts to screw the bolts in place. We have screwed through the wood the make sure that the bolts fix on securely but then also routed out the hole of the bolt so that the bolts sink into the wood making it more secure and also look more professional. 

Once these sections had been put in place we had to wait again until the sections worked on were dry enough to continue. The over all time spent on the inner sections of the bass bin added to 2 hours.  

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