Saturday, 12 May 2012

Birthday/Christmas maybe?

The patient wait paid off!

The hard work nearly done!

The drivers had finally arrived!!!

During the weeks that we had been building the speakers we had made more orders for drivers and while the company were getting ready to send them out they had sent smaller deliveries of other orders we had made. Connectors, cabling and various other extra bits.

The speakon cables we had decided would be easier to make ourselves so that we could chose the length and how many we wanted. These were now ready to go.

So two beautiful 18" PD drivers arrived, a stunning 15" PD driver, an amazing second 15" PD driver for the mid and the compression driver and new horn flare.

We began with the 18" carefully placing the baffle tape around the edge of the baffle and selecting the correct screws to secure the drivers in place.

Next the 15" with the same careful consideration and so on.

The difficulty came with the compression driver and horn flare. In the end we chose to make a new bos to house this in as the old just didnt fit the new compression driver in.

The first amazing new 18" loaded and ready to go!

The fantastic 15" loaded and ready to blast away!

This process took us 4 hours to complete.

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